Biomass Stove Pipe Stove

Biomass Stove Pipe Stove

The virtually smokeless biomass stove uses micro-gasification for a "clean robust burn" that is safe and economical!

Place on a stable non-flammable surface outdoors.

Fill within 3" from the top.

Light at the top end.

Cook Food

Boil Water

Provide Heat

Create Biochar

(Biochare is defined: charcoal produced from biomass products)

Features & Capabilities:
Quick Startup
Easy to Operate
Few Emissions Released
Virtually Smokeless
Light in Weight
Easy to Move
Low Maintenance
Fuel Efficient
Produces Biochar
Countless Forms of Fuel:
Pine Cones          Tree Bark
Switch Grass       Mesquite
Wood Chips        Wood Pellets
Paper Shreds       Cardboard
Leaves                 Sunflower Seeds
Miscanthus          Coconut Husks
Rice Husks          Cherry Pits
Peanut Shells       Corn    etc.....
Approximate Burn Time:
Eight Inch     =  2.0 hours
Ten Inch       =  4.0 hours
Twelve Inch =  6.0 hours
A 40lb. bag of wood pellets will burn for 6 hours in a 12 inch Stove Pipe Stove and make a large amount of Biochar.

The thimble holes can be adjusted by a simple turn of the handle allowing more or less air flow depending on how high or low you want the temperature to be.


How does it work?
Primary air enters through the bottom holes of the thimble then passes through he grate, flowing from the bottom to the top of the stove. As the fuel burns from the top down, it will draw more primary air using the chimney up draft effect. A secondary air is drawn through the bottom holes in hte outer pipe and it is forced to rise through the inner pipe holes at the top. That air is pre-heated by the inner pipe as it burns down. The back pressure then adds velocity to the pre-heated secondary air which then mixes with the gases and produces a flame that you can see without producing the smoke.


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Optional Accessories:
Digital Temperature Display
Coleman Camp Oven
Heat Exchanger (for space heat)


Chip Energy will customize the Stove Pipe Stove to your personal needs & requests!



Can Be Shipped Anywhere UPS!


+ Chip Energy | 395 W. Martin Dr. | PO Box 23 | Goodfield, IL 61742
( 309-965-2005 | Fax: 309-965-2905
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